
Parbatia Road, Tinsukia, Assam


About Us

          Saumarjyoti Vidyalaya is one of the leading secondary schools of Assam. From a rather humble beginning on 4 March, 1983, with just seven students in the Nursery Class and few dedicated teachers led by its founder headmistress Ms Mridula Sarma, the school has emerged as an important educational institution with more than 800 students (Nursery to CLass XI) . The main objective behind establishing this premier Assamese-medium school was to prove that it was possible to impart quality education through the medium of the mother tongue, and mould and nurture young minds. In Saumarjyoti Vidyalaya English has been taught as a subject right from the pre-primary classes since 1983, without making the learning of this important second language burdensome.

          The alumni of the school have distinguished themselves in various fields and become responsible citizens of the country. The school is run by a committee of the founders, guardians and teachers. It does not receive any grant / financial assistance from the government or from any other agency.

           The school has a small computer lab and a library-cum-reading room where on a particular day students of a section read at least for an hour. Each student on her/his birthday gives a book to the library as a gift.